What is the Meaning of the Queenship of Mary?

Written by Jacqueline St. Clare, a Catholic writer and author at www.jacquelinestclare.com
A letter from the Blessed Mother to her children
Youngest and dearest of my children,
Do you know why I call you “youngest and dearest?”
It is what I called St. Juan Diego when I appeared to him in Guadalupe, Mexico. Like this littlest son of mine, you too are youngest and dearest to me, for I am not the queen of only one subject, but of many. My children are recognized for their littleness and humility. Are you humble, my child? I will stand beside you as you stand before God. Have holy fear and reverence, as I do.
Do you know why I am called “queen”?
It is the fifth glorious mystery of the rosary that I taught St. Dominic. My Son, Jesus, crowned me Queen of Heaven and of Earth. So, I do not just have Earthly subjects, like you. I also have a great many Heavenly subjects. Do you pray the Rosary? With each “Hail Mary,” I offer a rose to Jesus.
Do you know why my Son, Jesus, crowned me Queen of Heaven and of Earth?
It is for your own benefit. St. Louis de Montfort explains in his book, True Devotion to Mary, that a peasant offering a king an apple is like you yourself offering your prayer to my Son. If you give that apple to me, the Queen, I take the fruit, arrange it carefully on a golden platter, and present it to the King myself. Do you have a prayer for God? Give it first to me, and I will present it to Him with beauty and loveliness.
Do you know why the King listens to the requests of the Queen Mother?
Dr. Brant Pitre explains in his book, Jesus and the Jewish Roots of Mary, that in Jewish tradition, the queen mother “was also a powerful intercessor with her son.” Dr. Pitre gives the example of Bathsheba, who interceded with her son, Solomon, on behalf of Adonijah who wanted to take Abishag the Shunammite as his wife (1 Kings 2:19-20). What do you need intercession for? Tell me, and I will speak to my Son, the King.
Do you know what imitating me means?
In St. Clare’s second letter to the Poor Clare, St. Agnes of Prague, she writes her salutation, “the most noble Queen, Lady Agnes.” St. Clare of Assisi gave her nuns the title of “Queen” and always encouraged others to imitate my poverty and simplicity on Earth, which glorifies my noble state as Queen in Heaven. It is said that at St. Clare’s death, I, Queen of Heaven, and a group of virgin saints came to St. Clare on her deathbed adorned her with costly attire, and brought her into Heaven to meet her Spouse, Christ Jesus. What are your virtues, my child? Will you ask for more? With each grace I give you, I adorn you as though for royalty with which you will appear before my Son.
Youngest and dearest of my children, I am little, yet I have been raised up because of my humility. As Queen, I raise my little ones like you up so you are a part of the heavenly court. Live your life in this littleness. I will help you, offering graces. Furthermore, anything that I specifically ask of my Son, He will give to me.
My dear one, there is one more thing you must know! My Son, Jesus, is very fond of you. He has distinctly told me, by your very name, how much He loves you. Live with the knowledge of this love, for it is everlasting and never fails. I am but a reflection of this great love. By making me Queen, He has made me the mother of His children, He has placed me at his right hand, and I get to adorn you with royal graces and virtues. Come to me. Seek me out. Let us meet the King.
Your Queen and Mother,
The Blessed Virgin Mary
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